Art Direction Photoshoot Direction Graphic Design Copywriting Message Development Concept Development Print Collateral Direct to Consumer Advertising Point of Purchase Material In-store Displays eGraphics Social Media Advertising Email Marketing
Audience Profile
Women 18 – 45 with disposable income that have the ability and inclination to treat themselves and their families with the best that money can buy. They enjoy cupcakes and baked goods, as well as ice cream treats and consider themselves foodies. They are always looking for new and unconventional products.
Creative Strategy
To position Marble Slab Creamery’s innovative ice cream cupcakes as the ultimate choice for indulgence, we introduced a specific brand look that was unique from the rest of their product offerings for a distinct and memorable campaign. By focusing on the premium ingredients we maximized the drool-factor across print and web media.
Jean Perron
This campaign launched in all Marble Slab Creamery Canada and Singapore locations.